User Guide for Tenacious Easy Grey only, for other 3D resin user guide, please check here.

1. Introduction

Introducing Tenacious Easy Grey: the perfect resin for those challenging prints and newcomers to resin printing. While it may not possess the extreme flexibility of our other Tenacious resins, it strikes an ideal balance between flexibility and user-friendliness.

uv Resin for 3d printers - tenacious easy grey resinuv Resin for 3d printers - tenacious easy grey resin

This resin ensures excellent detail, beautiful grey color, and hassle-free cleaning, making your printing experience smoother and more enjoyable.

uv resin for 3d printers  - tenacious easy grey resin

Due to higher polymer content for its outstanding mechanical properties, the ideal printing condition for Tenacious is over 25C.
If user can maintain a resin temperature of 30C, the printing time could be further reduced.


2. Print setting download: Please download profiles here the base for Elegoo, Anycubic, Phrozen, Peopoly, EPAX, Creality.


3. Before Printing

It is a good practice to mix resin and expose the bottom of the vat to air before printing. This replenish oxygen in the vat and helps reduce peel force.

It would also ensure print consistency if user can get the initial resin temperature above 25 and keep the environmental temperature above 20 C.


4. Recommend best support settings

Tenacious has the more flexibility of all our resins Make sure the support tip diameter is 1.2mm for larger prints with a depth of 0.5mm. See more full support settings recommended here.


5. Cleaning

Cleaning Tools: Use a brush with hair (like a painter's brush) to remove excess resin from the printed part.

Cleaning Solution: Preferably use 95% concentrated Ethanol or Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA) for cleaning. Methanol can be used too, but ensure it's acetone-free.

Cleaning Duration: Avoid submerging parts in alcohol for over 30 seconds. Clean for 2-3 minutes in total.

Drying Process: Use a hairdryer or air blower to dry the parts after cleaning. Repeat the cleaning and drying process several times for complex parts with many cavities. 

Final Check: Touch the dried surface of the part to check for stickiness. If it's still
sticky, wash and dry again.


6. Post Curing

Please note before curing: Make sure resin is completely cleaned off and there is no alcohol left on the print before curing.

Curing Tips: Curing by submerging objects in water will significantly increase curing efficiency.

Curing time: Tenacious reached its optimal strength when the printed part is post-cured with UV after cleaning. Use 395-405nm UV light and cure for about 25 minutes.