Print Siraya Tech Resin with Heygears reflex RX

Resin 3D printing enthusiasts are always looking for new ways to optimize their prints with the best materials and hardware combinations. At Siraya Tech, we constantly test our resins with various printers to ensure seamless compatibility. Recently, we conducted in-depth testing with the HeyGears Reflex RS, and the results were highly promising.

Testing Siraya Tech Resins on HeyGears Reflex RS 

The HeyGears Reflex RS is a powerful resin printer known for its precision and speed. However, one of its limitations is that users cannot manually adjust exposure settings. Instead, it relies on built-in profiles that match specific resin types.

To determine the compatibility of Siraya Tech resins, we tested our materials using the closest built-in profiles available on the Reflex RS.

The results showed that multiple Siraya Tech resins print successfully on this machine, following the settings mapped to pre-existing profiles. Below is a breakdown of the tested resins and their respective settings:

Tested Resins and Matching Profiles

Siraya Tech Resin Match Built-In Profile Bottom Exposure Time Exposure Time Bottom Layer Transition Layer
Blu Lava Black PARP10 Orange Clay 20S 3S 1 20
Blu Nylon Black PAWR10 4S 1.8-1.9S 3 18
Build Sonic Grey PAS10 8S 2S 1 24
Craft Ultra Clear PAWR10 4S 1.8-1.9S 3 18
Fast Grey PAWW10 5S 1.8-1.9S 1 20
Sculpt Clear PAP10 5S 1.8-1.9S 1 20
Sculpt Grey PARP10 8S 2S 1 20
Tenacious Lava Black PARP10 Orange Clay 20S 3S 1 20
Tenacious Obsidian Black PAWR10 4S 1.8-1.9S 3 18


Key Takeaways from Our Tests

  • When printing Build Sonic Grey and Tenacious Obsidian Black, the peeling sound may be slightly louder than usual.

  • When printing Blu nylon black using the PAWR10 profile, the bottom layer thickness adaptive function is automatically turned on, and needs to be turned off manually during slicing.

Test photos

(Tenacious Obsidian Black)

Tenacious Obsidian Black
(Build Sonic Grey)
Build Sonic Grey
(Tenacious Lava Black)
Tenacios Lava Black
(Craft Ultra Clear)
Craft Ultra Clear

Final Thoughts 

The HeyGears Reflex RS proves to be a viable option for printing Siraya Tech resins, provided the correct pre-mapped resin profiles are selected. While it lacks manual configuration, its high-speed performance and accurate detailing make it an excellent choice for engineering-grade and functional prints.

We are thrilled with these test results and encourage HeyGears Reflex RS users to explore the wide range of Siraya Tech resins for their printing needs!

Interested in trying Siraya Tech resins? Visit Siraya Tech for more information!


3d resin and silicone tips

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